Fiber Fun

All things Fiber and fluffy


Ply it good!

All things Embroidery

Cross stitch and other stiches.

Knit, purl, sc2tog

All things created with yarn and some hooks


Shuttles, waprs and more

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Winter Wool Fest!

As I mentioned in my summary post my credit card got a huge working out at the Sutherlands Winter Wool Fair held by Sutherlands Spinners and Weavers. This group is very close, but does its classes when I am at uni sadly.

As you can see I have already started on one
I went there on a mission. It was 2 days after my birthday and I had missed the Canberra Wool Day. My first stop after saying hello to some friends was straight to Frank Williams Spindle booth. A friend who had gone to Canberra had bought one and I just had to have one after seeing it. I knew I wanted a small one, but was hard put deciding between the small and mini. So I got both! I had a great chat with Frank while I stood there spinning the different spindles (had to have the right spin as well as the looks). I even suggested/asked if he would possibly do distaffs as many of us were looking for some, but were only able to get them from America at a steep price. He seemed quite keen and is going to check things out after Bendigo Wool Show (wish I could go!).

After getting my first buy I decided to do a general look around before purchasing more.

My next purchase was at Virginia Farm Woolworks, they had a lovely set for scar felting with lots of little fun things to add. I also spied one of the Majacraft limited edition coloured bobbins (they are my local Majacraft dealer). While, there were some jokes about it spinning differently they started bringing out these limited edition yearly colours last year. This was right when I started spinning, so I am going to get one for each year of spinning and put the years on them to mark each spinning year. 

Lime bobbin! Scarf is grey and black with mauve
Then I stopped in at Glenora Weaving and Wool and fell for some silk for knitting and also the pin looms I have been seeing such cute designs from. 
Lovely coloured silk! Now for a pattern!
Finally I hit up Feltfine and got some felting supplies with this cool water, wetting bulb thingy.......look like an apple. It sprays water nicely and I have seen it in action before. I also fell in love with another silk colourway and got another skein. 
Water spray thingy!

I picked up two more items from general stands including a lovely merino/silk top that actually matched the tie-dye top I was wearing and a Kumihimo starter pack that has the disk. 

Fun day!

Friday, June 10, 2016

Dutch Merkelbach Wheel

Well, we all knew it would happen. I had been eyeing off this type of wheel for awhile as the castle style was literally an all-in-one wheel with the distaff, skeiner with flyer above and lazy kate. So when I saw the Saxony version I had to sit on my hands. I didn't bid initially, but when it was $99 I couldn't resist. So it became mine and I planned the 3+hour trip to Moruya

The drive was nice with a mixture of coastal cities, wooded drive and of course country! I couldn't take many pictures sadly and it was a grey day.

I picked up the wheel and started the long drive home. I should have planned things better because I passed so many cool shops I would have liked to spend time investigating on the way home. But is was 4pm on a grey Sunday.

I stopped in at Mogo, which wasn't too far and bought a patchwork kit from Rosemount the Patchwork Shop.

They also had a antique store attached which had a great museum of sewing machines. 

I also saw a leather store and picked up a large scrap which I will cut and decorate into a lap mat for when I am flicking. There should also be enough to make something to protect my combs and carders.

Finally I stopped in at Berry as it was getting late and dark to get some fuel for my body. I had noticed on my way past in going to get the wheel they had mentioned Alpaca burgers. So I just had to stop and try it.

It was a nice, and had a nice gamey taste to it. I wouldn't go out of my way to get one, but I am glad I tried it. 

After almost 7 hours of driving and some of it in pitch black, rain in the highway I got home. 

I like the wheel, but I am not in love with it. The wheel comes apart easily and is a double drive. It is very light wood which I am not a fan off (I like a bit of heft in my wheel). The orifice is super tiny, I have been told this is a flax wheel or spinning silk. I really like the way they have a spot above the skeiner where you put your bobbins. The bobbins are SUPER tiny, like palm of the hand tiny. I took this to my spinning class and it caught the attention of my spinning teacher. So after an easy thought this wheel is going to be passed on to my teacher who will appreciate it much more than me. If I had the room for wheels that could just sit there and look pretty and create my own spinning museum it would stay. Alas! I am glad it will go to a good home. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Long time no post = large haul!

I know it has been........yes well a long time. My main distraction is getting my ethics in, which I got in the day before my 30th Birthday!

Since my last post, I have picked up a new wheel. This is a Dutch Merlkelbach and saw a lot of the country

Then I picked up an 8 Shaft Kirsten loom - pictures pending once I get it out of my car where it has been making a lot of noise!

I bought myself high-speed head for my Majacraft Suzy - being posted!

Finally, I had 2 days of craft buying. First was a day at Sutherland Spinners and Weavers Winter Wool Fair where I got some stuff from Frank Williams Spindles, Virginia Farm Woolworks and Glenora Weaving and Wool

Then my parents and I hit up Mittagong and checked out Victoria House and The Villiage Quilt Shop and later in Berrima the Berrima Patchwork and Craft's Store (before we go flooded away!)

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