Friday, July 22, 2016

Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave When We First Practice.

Things have taken a turn to the weaving. My weaving stockpile has been evolving. What once started as a rigid heddle from Ashford, 8 shaft Kirsten loom and two old 4shaft looms. I now have swapped out my Ashford rigid heddle from a Kromski Harp Rigid Heddle of the same size (80cm), a 30cm Ashford Knitters Loom and my new pride and joy an Ashford 8 shaft loom (60cm). So right now I have 6 looms (one got sold already). So my Ashford Rigid heddle, 4 shaft and 8shaft Kirsten are all getting themselves put on eBay and awaiting new homes.

Curious Kitty wondering what new product is this mum?...

I'll do a review on the rigid heddles now I have had a chance to try three and also explain why I would still want a Majacraft Dynamic Heddle. I will also show my new baby in another post. However this time, I thought instead of equipment I would actually show the damn things being used!

So my Ashford Knitters Loom came with a double heddle block and extra heddles. So what does an inexperienced person who has only done two plain weave scarves do? Set up and work a double heddle and learn two new weaving skills!
A trial of patience!

On Ashford's site they have a pattern for a shuttle holder. So I'm still weaving it but wanted to share my progress.

The camera hides the flaws!

So many sheds!
This pattern not only required two heddle, but also two pickup sticks inserted behind the heddle to create two more sheds.
Brooks Bouquet being the fancy part!
This holder not only uses plain weave, but also two-layered weaving and Brooks Bouquet.

Hard to capture the bottom black layer being separated out

When it gets completed it will hopefully look similar to this ----------->
I am not doing the repeats of Brooks Bouquet, with just one between each section.

The pattern is fairly good, but I have found missing information about the desired length of the entire project or the length of each section. So I am just eyeballing it. I am making each holder the height of two shuttles and hoping for the best.

I am also working very very very! hard on my edges. As I am trying different techniques it is not 100% consistent though I am seeing progress. It is hard when weaving the bottom layer as not only is it slightly hidden by the top, but I used the suggested black which is almost impossible to see to check my edges. If I were doing another I would put the lighter colour at the bottom as the pattern is reversible so it doesn't matter.


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