Tuesday, March 15, 2016


After a terrible few days, I have received some good news. I had entered 3 skeins in the Royal Easter Show. The Easter Show is a yearly Agricultural show in my state of Australia. Other states also have similar things like the Ekka in QLD. These started as a fully agricultural, but nowdays they also have show bags, rides, games etc. This was my first time entering anything craft and I have been spinning for just over 6 months and for awhile I spent a few months only spinning a few days a month. So I consider myself quite a beginner and only entered for the sake of entering.

A few days before the show opens the craft/arts section gets judged and they do a night where people can go check out the results and ALL the other crafts (like man! I was shocked about how big the place was!). Now I had a few terrible days and was behind on work (and lost my invite) so I didn't go. There I was sitting at home eating cookies for dinner and I get a phone call from my friend who went. Her super excited voice let me know I should pick the "Do you want to know the results now" question. 


So out of 3 entries I got placed in 2!!! YAY!!

The first picture is the 11-17 WPI one done in Ixchel's Qiviut mix! This got third and if my eyes are right the other person who spun the same fiber got first! This was a straight two ply. 

Then my second place entry which almost wasn't an entry! This entry was to be made of 21st century fibers (nylon, bamboo, tencel etc). So mine was made up of bamboo/milk mix with stainless steel mixed it randomly for flashes of silver spun in slubs, then I plied it with a super thin seacell spin. I had initially done a heap of the seacell (more than needed) and was really struggling with blending the stainless steel and getting it all to do thick and thin. I also was doing it days (the day) before it was due while I was recovering from the flu. Silly me thinking I wouldn't even get shown let alone place didn't even bother to take close ups (will come when they get back). So sashes for me and getting ready to enter the next show! 


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