Saturday, February 13, 2016

Working on things

As you may have (or haven't noticed) I am have been playing with the layout a bit. So apologies if links go nowhere etc I am still learning a bit of HTML from a general free layout. Right now my inconsiderate flatmate is playing DRUMS (or horrible music) right outside my room and the kids are watching the TV right on the other side of my room (instead of their own TV). Seeing my room is separated from the TV room with a curtain this is pretty loud. Apparently considering others is too much. I am just waiting for my laptop to charge up and if the noise continues I will just go to my car and sleep there....So doing this as I can't do any study and my brain is too fried to do a craft as I would worry about having to FROG a section. It is 9:30pm so I hope to god it can't go on much longer.

Crafts and a better layout soon!


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